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Archive:July 2024

Please find below all the articles from July 2024.

Battle lines drawn on tax – but is there a ‘conspiracy of silence?’

You’ve probably heard a fair bit about tax so far in this General Election campaign, with many claims and counter-claims thrown around by the major parties.
How do we know what to really make of it? For seasoned political aficionados, it is familiar story at election time. Do the numbers add up? Can the country really afford the policies that have been put forward?

Well, for one leading independent voice on the economy and taxation, the Institute of Fiscal Studies, not enough has been said in the campaign about…

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Budget will loom following General Election result

Once the votes are all counted and we know who the winners and losers are in this year’s General Election on 4 July, minds will start turning to the
implementation of the policies promised by the incoming party.

Whether the next Government is Labour, Conservative, a Coalition or an even more unexpected winner, such as the Lib Dems or Reform UK emerges, there will be a raft of pledges to be put into effect.
That means another Budget.

Sometimes following a General Election, we have seen an ‘Emergency Budget’. In…

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Tax lost to error and ‘failure’ rises – four years on from digital tax

Whilst the main focus of the nation in terms of tax talk has all been about the General Election, some very interesting
figures have been published this month by HMRC.

Have you heard before of the phrase the ‘Tax Gap’? The stats in question surround this topic. According to the Chartered Institute of Taxation, the definition of this gap is “the
difference between the amount of tax that should, in theory, be paid to HMRC, and what is actually paid.”

The new report assesses the tax gap in 2022-23. The…

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As Euro 2024 kicks off, tax spotlight takes a Football focus

Whilst many of you will have been tuned in to watch Europe’s top footballing nations battle it out in Euro 2024 in Germany,
back in the UK there has been some attention on a rarely discussed aspect of the beautiful game – tax.

One strand of the conversation has been a debate around the possible introduction of a new 10% tax on Premier League transfers – a subject that has arisen during the election campaign.

The other thread of the discussion has been to do with suggestions that HMRC has…

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